Our Team

Dr Prakash Kamath
B.D.S(Ind), M.D.S(Ind), M.F.D.S.R.C.P.S(Glasg)
Dr Prakash Kamath is an Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency registered General dentist. Dr.Prakash Kamath (general dentist) is a well accomplished, adept clinician with substantial experience, having special interests in Oral Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr Prakash Kamath completed his 5-year Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree in 1997 graduating with Deans Award for the best outgoing student. His prime interest in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery resulted in joining full time Master of Dental Surgery program in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (India). Since then he has been practising general dental and oral surgery in India, Nepal, Kuwait and Melbourne over the last 20 Years.
His quest for excellence and perfection led to the securing of the diploma of the member of Faculty of dental surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasg) MFDS RCPS (Glasg) and has kept himself up to date with numerous continuous dental education programmes in all aspects of dentistry. He has undergone residency programme in Lisbon, Portugal under the Pioneer of most sought after ALL on Four Implant treatment by The Paulo Malo himself and is a certified Invisalign provider. His passion in Implant Dentistry and Wisdom teeth surgery, has led him to be highly sought after in these fields.

Dr. Reshma Nayak
Swati Gopi

Jemi’s dental background gives her a sophisticated grasp in helping you with your dental concern. She is enthusiastic and will always welcome you with a smile. She ensures smooth operations of the practice and makes sure that patients are extremely satisfied with their dental experience. Jemi is sweet and caring with the people around her and would always want what’s best for them.
Outside of work, she loves travelling, exploring food and spending time with her friends and family.